pil pil pil pil
*10274869064* Liudolf of Saxony Duke
(Abt 806-866)
*10274869065* Oda of Billung
(Abt 806-913)
*5137434592* Heinrich of Franconia
*5137434593* Baba of Spoleto
*5137434532* Otto I (Den Højvelbårne) of Saxony Duke
(Abt 851-912)
*5137434533* Hedwig of Babenberg
(Abt 854-903)
*2568717266* Heinrich (I.) (Fuglefænger) of Saxony
(Abt 876-936)



1. Hateburg von Merseburg

2. *2568717267* Mathilde of Ringelheim

*2568717266* Heinrich (I.) (Fuglefænger) of Saxony

  • Født: Abt 876, Memleben, , Sachsen-Anhalt, Tyskland
  • Ægteskab (1): Hateburg von Merseburg omkring 906
  • Ægteskab (2): *2568717267* Mathilde of Ringelheim omkring 909
  • Død: 2. Jul. 936, Memleben, , Sachsen-Anhalt, Tyskland i en alder omkring 60 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Henry the Fowler (German: Heinrich der Finkler or Heinrich der Vogler; Latin: Henricius Auceps) (876 - July 2, 936) was the duke of Saxony from 912 and the elected king of East Francia (Germany) from 919 until his death in 936. As the first non-Frankish king, he established the Ottonian Dynasty of kings and emperors, he is generally considered to be the founder and first king of the medieval German state, known until then as East Francia. An avid hunter, he obtained the epithet "the Fowler"[1] because he was allegedly fixing his birding nets when messengers arrived to inform him that he was to be king. By his death in July 936 Henry had prevented collapse of royal power, as had happened in West Francia, and left a much stronger kingdom to his successor Otto I. Henry died on July 2, 936 in his royal palace in Memleben, one of his favourite places. He was buried at Quedlinburg Abbey, established by his wife Matilda in his honor.


Heinrich blev gift med Hateburg von Merseburg omkring 906.


Heinrich blev derefter gift med *2568717267* Mathilde of Ringelheim, datter af *5137434534* Dietrich of Ringelheim og *5137434535* Reginhild of Frisia, omkring 909. (*2568717267* Mathilde of Ringelheim blev født før 890 i Engern, , Niedersachsen, Tyskland og døde den 14. Mar. 968 i Quedlinburg, , Sachsen-Anhalt, Tyskland.)

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