pil pil
*5137434532* Otto I (Den Højvelbårne) of Saxony Duke
(Abt 851-912)
*5137434533* Hedwig of Babenberg
(Abt 854-903)
*2568717266* Heinrich (I.) (Fuglefænger) of Saxony
(Abt 876-936)
Hateburg von Merseburg
(Abt 908-938)




  • Født: Abt 908
  • Død: 28. Jul. 938 i en alder omkring 30 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Thankmar (or Tammo) (c. 908 - 28 July 938) was the eldest (and only) son of Henry I of Germany by his first wife, Hatheburg (or Liutgard). His mother had been previously married and widowed, after which she entered a convent. Because she left the convent to marry Henry, her second marriage was considered invalid and the couple split. Thankmar's legitimacy was, therefore, in question.

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