Daniel James O'Connor
- Født: 21. Jul. 1951
- Død: 4. Jun. 1973, Alliance, Box Butte, Nebraska, USA i en alder af 21 år
Dødsårsag: Død af skudsår.
Nekrolog: Daniel J. O'Connor, 22, dead of gunshot wound An Alliance young man, Daniel J. O'Connor, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. James J. O'Connor, was found dead at his home Monday shortly after 9 p.m. According to County Attorney Paul Empson, the acting coroner, he was the victim af a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Empson said no inquest is planned. Mr. O'Connor was born July 21, 1951, in Alliance and was a 1969 graduate of St. Agnes Academy. He attended the University of Nebraska and was a member of Phi Gamma Delta and the Holy Rosary Catholic Church. Beside his parents, he is survived by one brother, Tom, and three sisters, Mrs. Steven (Martha) Ketteler of Omaha, Mary and Ann.