Florentius (I.) of Holland Count



1. *80272415* Gertrud of Saxony

Florentius (I.) of Holland Count

  • Født: 1017, Vlaardingen, , Zuid-Holland, Holland
  • Ægteskab (1): *80272415* Gertrud of Saxony før 1052
  • Død: 28. Jun. 1061, Nederhemert, , Gelderland, Holland i en alder af 44 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Floris I of Holland (born in Vlaardingen - killed June 28, 1061 in Guelders (Gelderland), Netherlands) was Count of Holland, then called Frisia west of the Vlie, from 1049 to 1061. He was a son of Dirk III and Othelindis.

He succeeded his brother Dirk IV, Count of Holland, who was murdered in 1049. He was involved in a war of a few Lotharingian vassals against the imperial authority. On a retreat from Zaltbommel he was ambushed and killed in battle at Nederhemert (called Hamerth at the time), on 28 June 1061.


Florentius blev gift med *80272415* Gertrud of Saxony, datter af *160544830* Bernhard (II.) of Saxony og *160544831* Eilica of Schweinfurt, før 1052. (*80272415* Gertrud of Saxony blev født omkring 1028 i Sachsen (Halle), , , Tyskland og døde den 4. Aug. 1089 i Flandern, , , Belgien.)

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