pil pil pil
*10521491345480* Gundahar of Burgundy
(Omkr 410-Omkr 440)
N. N.
*10521491345482* Rechila
*10521491345483* Ukendt
*5260745672740* Gondioc of Burgundy
(Omkr 429-Omkr 473)
*5260745672741* Catamene of Schwaben
(Omkr 432-)
(Omkr 452-516)




  • Født: Omkr 452
  • Død: 516 i en alder omkring 64 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Gundobad (Latin: Flavius Gundobadus; c. 452 - 516 AD) was King of the Burgundians (473 - 516), succeeding his father Gundioc of Burgundy. Previous to this, he had been a Patrician of the Western Roman Empire in 472 - 473, succeeding his uncle Ricimer.

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