pil pil
Poul Helleberg Olesen
(Abt 1776-)
Karen Christensdatter
(Abt 1786-)
Sallemond Pedersen
Johanne Marie Christensdatter
Ole Helleberg Poulsen
Maren Katrine Elisabeth Salmonsdatter
Johanne Marie Olesen



1. Thomas Jensen

Johanne Marie Olesen

  • Født: 16. Sep. 1852, Sjørring Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt
  • Ægteskab (1): Thomas Jensen den 26. Mar. 1872 i Sjørring Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt
  • Død: 1902, Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska, USA i en alder af 50 år

punkttegn  Notater:

FT 1855: Thisted, Hundborg, Sjørring, Sperring By - hos forældrene
FT 1860: Thisted, Hundborg, Sjørring, Sperring By - hos forældrene
FT 1870: Thisted, Hundborg, Sjørring, Sperring - hos forældrene

1872 til USA

FT 1880: Vienna, Grundy, Illinois, USA
OverhovedThomas Johnson32, farmer
KoneMary Johnson30 housekeeping
DatterChristina Johnson5
DatterAnna Johnson3
DatterSusan Johnson10/12

FT 1900: Cosmo Township, Kearney, Nebraska, USA
OverhovedThomas Johnson (dec. 1848)52 (gift i 28 år), farmer
KoneMary Johnson (sep. 1852)48

Nekrolog for manden:
Courier 11-11-1945
Thomas Johnson was born in Dolerup, Denmark on December 14, 1848. He died at his home in Minden, Nebr.,on October 30, 1945, having attained the age of 96 years, 11 months, and 16 days.
When he was about twenty-five years old he and his wife came to America, making their home at Plano, Illinois. Later, sometime in the early eighties, they came to a farm in Kearney County, Nebraska, located approximately 12 miles southeast of Minden. After his wife passed away in 1902 he went to Chicago where he was employed by the International Harvester Company for the next 23 years. In 1926 he returned to Minden and soon thereafter he married Mrs. Anna Johnson with whom his lived happily until her death on January 1, 1937. Since then he has continued to make his home in Minden. Mr. Johnson was converted in the years of his young manhood, and steadyfastly he held to the Christian way of his life. He was always cheerful and considerate of others to the extent that these qualities were readily discerned and admired by all who knew him. In his early days in Nebraska he was affiliated with the Danish Free Missions. At the time of his death he held his membership in the Minden Gospel Tabernacle.
Throughout his long life of 97 years he was blessed with exceptional health. He often said that except for certain very minor incidents he could boast that he had not been sick a day in his life. For the blessing of good health he was devoutly grateful.
He was preceded in death by those loved ones mentioned else where in this obituary. He leaves no brothers, or sisters, or children. He is survived by six step-children: Mrs. J.C.Borgaard of Minden, Albert C. Johnson of Kearney, Mrs. L.J. Johnson of Minden, Mrs. R.C.Mars of Greeley, Colorado, Ernset Johnson of Minden, and Fred C. Johnson of Minden.
Funeral services were held from the Nichol Chapel on November 1, at 2:30 p.m. Rev. A.W. Johnson was in charge of the services. Burial was made in the East Mission cemetery.
When sinks the soul, subdued by toil, to slumber,
Its closing eye looks up to Thee in prayer;
Sweet the repose beneath the wings o'er-shading.
But sweeter still to wake and find Thee there.
So shall it be at last, in that bright morning
What the soul waketh and life's shadows flee;
O in that hour, fairer than day-light dawning,
Shall rise the glorious thought, I am with Thee!
Harriet Beecher Stowe


punkttegn  Begivenheder

• Konfirmation, 28. Apr. 1867, Sjørring Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt.


Johanne blev gift med Thomas Jensen, søn af Jens Christian Poulsen og Maren Andersdatter, den 26. Mar. 1872 i Sjørring Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt. (Thomas Jensen blev født den 14. Dec. 1848 i Sjørring Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt og døde den 30. Okt. 1945 i Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska, USA.)

punkttegn  Parnotater:

Han: Ungkarl af Dollerup
Hun: Pige af Sperring

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