
Opdateret 14. feb. 2025


Artist/Gruppe Titel Plademærke/Nr.
Beefeaters Meet you there Decca ?(England)
Go-Getters Once there was a band Superton ST 2224(3 ¾)(spolebånd)
Poptime Movic (spolebånd)
Lollipops Do you know KALP 1016 - made in Finland
Sir Henry Are serving you Sonet SLPS 1925 (1969)
V/A Den hæse drage (LP) Mascot MALP 10 - blå label
V/A Informationplatte U-Musik 26. april 1965 Polydor 004 634 (Tyskland)
V/A Hit heard round the world - September 9 1968 US-Army FS-GRC-906 (USA)
V/A Hit heard round the world - September 23 1968 US-Army FS-GRC-921 (USA)
V/A Hit heard round the world - October 14. 1968 (10 min. programs) US-Army FS-GRC-924 (USA)
V/A Hit heard round the world - February 17 1969 (10 min. Programs) US-Army FS-GRC-??? (USA)


Artist/Gruppe Titel Plademærke/Nr.
All Rounds You were on my mind/Rythm of love(only with pic.cover) Jack BR1015
Arons Road runner/The girl of my best friend(only with pic.cover) Jack BR1008
Belli, Peter I'll go crazy/Out in the streets
(I denne rækkefølge på cover)
Triola TD 316
Ob-la-di, ob-la-da (LP) TRLP 217 på label
Clidows Can nobody love me Tysk ????? (1965)
Cliffters My heart and I/How wonderful to know Philips 355241PF(Norge/Sverige)
Django/Amapola Philips 355251PF(Norge)
Django/Amapola Philips SSP 817 (Syd Afrika)
Riding cossack/I listen to my heart (only with pic.cover) Philips P355 269F(Frankrig)
Cresendos Will you still love me tomorrow/Shotgun Ecco ??? (1966)
Danny and the Royal Strings All my love/Monday night Metronome demo (1965)
Danish Sharks Naggin' woman/Rock-a-beatin' boogie Triola TD 278 (Schweiz)
Defenders Wolly bully/Jump back baby Sonet T 7206 (gul vinyl)
Mashed potatoes / Cadillac Sonet T 7191 (grøn vinyl)
Ex-Checkers Everyday I have to cry/Do the dog Magenta ? (Argentina)
Fourways Silence Is Golden /I Can Hear Trumpets Blow Ster SU 201(Syd Afrika)
Jack Trains/Someone/Protest(only with cover) Jack BR1009
Karina & the Foxes My boy lolypop / 1000 stars Jacks Beat Records BR 1006
Lions Teenage letter/ It's gonna work out fine Triola TD 277 (Schweiz)
Lollipops Little bad boy / Don't matter what you do ("Bowling-cover") Karusell KFF 603- Dansk tryk
I see it now/Oh girl Karusell KFF642- Dansk tryk
Words ain't enough/Who cares about me Polydor NH59711- Dansk tryk
Naked when you come/Little cat lost Polydor NH59724- Dansk tryk
Another girl/You don't have to go Polydor NH59730- Dansk tryk
Swing and sway / I can't live without your lovin' (UDEN bagreklame) Polydor NH59737- Svensk tryk
Back to San Francisco / Love is a game for two Fontana TF 271603
Words ain't enough / Who cares about me Vault V926 (sort label)
Melvis and his Gentlemen Troubles(EP) Top Pop 5015 (cover MED "4-melodier-mærkat" - farve ukendt(IKKE gul))
Noblemen Take the heart of me/Green back dollar Demo (1966)
Reimar, Johnny What do ya say/Make me forget Philips PF 355291(Holland)
Rocking Ghosts 7-9-13/Besame mucho Union US 281(Japan)
In the mood/Hey, hey, hey Gamma ? (Mexico)
Belinda/Ghost walk Gamma ? (Mexico)
Scotland the brave/Under the bridges of Paris Metronome B1596 (Tyskland) (grøn vinyl)
Scarlets / Reimar, Johnny Down in Napoli/Don't you forget it Philips PF 355 282(Holland)
Shadderhands Down the road/A man with a gun Union US-236(Japan)
Sir Henry Let's go/Zeep dee doo dap Polydor International 421 012 (Frankrig)
The Zoo/ Money honey (ONLY with cover) Polydor International 421 035 (Tyskland)
Stoke Sect Get the picture/Buzz the jerk Ecco-demo
Jette Ziegler I need you my love / Over the rainbow Triola TD 234 (Schweiz)
Der Sommer Geht/ Was Ich Für Dich Tu' (Som Jette) Triola TD 244 (Schweiz)
V/A Dandy (Only M or M-) DRG116

Bøger / Blade

Hit (1964-66)(48. nr) (mangler nr.1964(1-4))
Beat Stone / Beat News (1965)(2 nr.)(mangler nr.1)
International Pop Magasin (1965)(mangler jan.'65)
Top Pop (1965-66)(8+10 nr.)(Har komplet)
Beat (1965-67) (44 nr.) (Har komplet)
Teen Times (1966)(mangler 1(66),2(66))
Børge (1966-67)(47 nr.)(Har komplet)
Nyt Børge (1968)(16 nr.)(Har komplet)
Go (1966-69)(85 nr. indtil 1974)(mangler nr. 7(68),1-2(69))
Love (1967)(3 nr.)(Har komplet)
Superlove (1968-70)(35 nr.)(Har komplet)
Vinyl (1983-84) (5 nr.)(mangler nr. 0,1,3 (83-84))
Unge er vi alle (1 nr.)(1962)
Mini-avisen (? Nr.)(1961-)
Film-Journalen (mangler nr. nov.(60), jan, feb, jun, jul, aug, okt, nov (61), jan, feb, jul, aug, sep (62))
Film-Journalen/Vi Unge (mangler nr. nov (63), maj (64))
Vi Unge (mangler nr. apr, maj, jul, aug, sep, okt (68)

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