*84171930763780* Dagobertus (II.) of the Franks
(Abt 300-Abt 379)
N. N.
*84171930763776* Clodius (I.) of the Franks
(Abt 324-Abt 389)
N. N.
*42085965381888* Richomeres (I.) of the Franks
(Abt 347-Abt 404)



1. *42085965381889* Ascyla

*42085965381888* Richomeres (I.) of the Franks

  • Født: Abt 347
  • Ægteskab (1): *42085965381889* Ascyla
  • Død: Abt 404 i en alder omkring 57 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Flavius Richomeres (Richomer) was a Frank who lived in the late 4th century. He took service in the Roman army and made a career as comes, magister militum, and consul. He was married to Ascyla, with whom he had a son Theodemer, who became king of the Franks. He was uncle of the general Arbogastes.


Richomeres blev gift med *42085965381889* Ascyla.

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Denne hjemmeside blev lavet 24. Jan. 2025 med Legacy 10.0 fra MyHeritage.com; Ophavsret og vedligeholdelse af claus-ane-ny@outlook.dk