*42085965381944* Procopius
(Abt 325-366)
N. N.
*42085965381946* Anthemius
N. N.
*21042982690972* Procopius
(Abt 365-)
*21042982690973* Lucina
(Abt 400-)
*10521491345486* Anthemius of Rome
(Abt 420-472)



1. *10521491345487* Marcia Eufemia of Rome

*10521491345486* Anthemius of Rome

  • Født: Abt 420, Constantinople, , Istanbul, Tyrkiet
  • Ægteskab (1): *10521491345487* Marcia Eufemia of Rome omkring 453
  • Død: 11. Jul. 472, Rom, , , Italien i en alder omkring 52 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Anthemius (Latin: Procopius Anthemius Augustus) (c. 420 - 11 July 472) was Western Roman Emperor from 467 to 472.

Perhaps the last capable Western Roman Emperor, Anthemius attempted to solve the two primary military challenges facing the remains of the Western Roman Empire: the resurgent Visigoths, under Euric, whose domain straddled the Pyrenees; and the unvanquished Vandals, under Geiseric, in undisputed control of North Africa. Anthemius was killed by Ricimer, his own general of Gothic descent, who contested power with him.


Anthemius blev gift med *10521491345487* Marcia Eufemia of Rome, datter af *21042982690974* Marcian of Rome og *21042982690975* Ukendt, omkring 453. (*10521491345487* Marcia Eufemia of Rome blev født omkring 425.)

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