pil pil pil
*2568717304* Gebhard (II.) of Lotharingia
(Abt 888-910)
*2568717305* Ida
*2568717306* Herbert (I.) of Vermandois
(Abt 848-Abt 907)
*2568717307* Bertha of Morvois
(Abt 842-)
*1284358652* Eudo/Udo (I.) of Wetterau Count
(Abt 895-949)
*1284358653* Cunigunda of Vermandois
(Abt 882-Abt 943)
*642179326* Heribert (I.) of Wetterau
(Abt 930-Abt 992)



1. *642179327* Irmentrud of Avalgau

*642179326* Heribert (I.) of Wetterau

  • Født: Abt 930
  • Ægteskab (1): *642179327* Irmentrud of Avalgau
  • Død: Abt 992 i en alder omkring 62 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Herbert of Wetterau (c. 930 - 992) was the son of Odo of Wetterau and a daughter (presumably named Cunigunde) of Herbert I, Count of Vermandois and Bertha de Morvis. Herbert was an important nobleman in central Germany and leader of the Conradines.

After the death of his father Odo of Wetterau in 949, Herbert became count of Kinziggau, Engersgau, and Wetterau. He also inherited the castle of Gleiberg, perched on basalt in the modern-day Giessen. In 976 Herbert got the count's rights for Gleiberg and vicinity: the county Gleiberg. Herbert also acquired the title of count palatine. In 981 he followed Emperor Otto II to Italy, and in 982, he took part in the disastrous Battle of Stilo against the Saracens.


Heribert blev gift med *642179327* Irmentrud of Avalgau, datter af *1284358654* Meringoz von Geldern og *1284358655* Gerberga. (*642179327* Irmentrud of Avalgau blev født omkring 957 og døde i 1020.)

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