Gerald Reinhard Ziehr
- Født: 3. Maj 1917, Dorchester, Clark, Wisconsin, USA
- Ægteskab (1): Jeanette E. Wilkens den 1. Dec. 1945 i Newburg, Washington, Wisconsin, USA
- Død: 20. Sep. 1993, Port Washington, Ozaukee, Wisconsin, USA i en alder af 76 år
FT 1920: Dorchester Village, Clark, Wisconsin, United States - hos forældrene FT 1930: Fredonia, Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States - hos forældrene
FT 1940: Fredonia Village, Fredonia Village, Fredonia, Fredonia, 45-6, Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States, Paul Ziehr, Head, M, Widowed, 54. Wisconsin, moulder (støber), foundry (støberi) Gerald Ziehr, Son, M, 22, Wisconsin, core maker, foundry Donald Ziehr, Son, M, 21, Wisconsin, machine shop, foundry Cletus Ziehr, Son, M, 19, Wisconsin, general work, lumber yard Delton Ziehr, Son, M, 16, Wisconsin Virginia Ziehr, Daughter, F, 13, Wisconsin Shirley Ziehr, Daughter, F, 9, Wisconsin Beverly Ziehr, Daughter, F, 7, Wisconsin
14 Jun 1941 Indkaldt til militæret, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, 4 years of high school Semiskilled foundry occupations, n.e.c.
FT 1950: 1000 Fredonia Ave., Fredonia, Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States HeadGerald R Ziehr32, Wisconsin, molder WifeJeanette E Ziehr31, Wisconsin DaughterSusan J Ziehr3, Wisconsin SonJohn G Ziehr1, Wisconsin
Nekrolog 23.9.1993 An honorary member of the Fredonia fire department, Gerald Ziehr, 78, diad Monday, Sept. 20, following an apparent heart attack. Mr. Ziehr made his home at 237 Summit Dr. Fredonia. Mr. Ziehr was born May 3.1917 in Dorchester, Wis. to Paul and Linda Anderson Ziehr On Dec. 1, 1945, he and Jeanette Wilkens were maried in Newburg. Mrs Ziehr died May 19, 1991. Mr. Ziehr worked for Gilson Foundry, Fredonia, until his retirement. During World War II, he served with the army. Mr. Ziehr was a member of Warren Kane American Legion Post- He is survived by three sons, John of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, William of Plover and James of Appleton, and two daughters, Susan Ahrens, Cedar Grove, and Carole Boehlke, Frefonia. He is also survived by 11 granchildren, two brothers, Claytus of Campbellsport and Donald, West Bend, and a sister, Beverly Klein, West Bend. A brother and two sisters preceded him in death, as did his wife.
Gerald blev gift med Jeanette E. Wilkens den 1. Dec. 1945 i Newburg, Washington, Wisconsin, USA. (Jeanette E. Wilkens blev født den 11. Mar. 1919 i West Bend, Washington, Wisconsin, USA og døde den 19. Maj 1991 i Fredonia, Ozaukee, Wisconsin, USA.)