pil pil
Nicolai Pejtersen
Mariane Kjær Jørgensen
Peder Mouritsen
(Abt 1837-)
Karen Maria Larsen
(Abt 1841-)
Jørgen Pejtersen
Else Maria Mouritsen

Nikolaj Pejtersen



1. Gertrude Christensen

Nikolaj Pejtersen

  • Født: 7. Dec. 1891, Stagstrup Sogn, Hassing Herred, Thisted Amt
  • Ægteskab (1): Gertrude Christensen den 7. Jul. 1920 i Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
  • Død: 9. Apr. 1953, Avon, Hartford, Connecticut, USA i en alder af 61 år

punkttegn  Notater:

FT 1901: Thisted, Hassing, Stagstrup, Stagstrup, 5n - hos forældrene
FT 1906: Thisted, Hundborg, Thisted Landsogn, Dragsbæk - hos forældrene

1906 fra Thisted til Nørhaa

FT 1911: Thisted, Hundborg, Nørhaa, Nørhaa, matr. 11
Jens Kristensen Høje, 14.4.1854, gift, Vang, husfader, landbruger
Dorthea Høje, 10.4.1863, gift, Vang, husmoder
Anna Kristine Kristensen Høje, 22.8.1898, Nørhaa
Martin Kristensen Høje, 27.12.1906, Nørhaa
Nikolaj Pejtersen, 7.12.1891, Stagstrup, tjenestetyende
Nielsine Petra Kristensen, 14.3.1893, Nørhaa, tjenestetyende

19.6.1913: Immigreret til USA (Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States) på skibet Laconia fra Liverpool, destination Hartford, skal besøge en Ven: Emil Gotiksen, 52 Lincoln Ave, Hartford

5.6.1917: Indkaldt til militæret - bor da: 57. Lincoln, Hartford, Connecticut, stilling: Milk Paddler, ugift

FT 1930: USA, Connecticut, Hartford, West Hartford, Sunsbury Road 230, Dairy Farm
Nick PetersenHeadMand38Denmark
Gertrude L PetersenWifeKvinde29Connecticut
Harry W PetersenAdopted sonMand16Connecticut
Jannette E PetersenDaughterKvinde2Connecticut
Gertrude PetersenDaughterKvinde0Connecticut
Johannah M ChristensenMother-in-lawKvinde67Denmark
Christian B ThygesenBoarderMand24Denmark
Peter M PetersenBrotherMand33Denmark
Lillian A GeorgeBoarderKvinde17Connecticut

FT 1940: USA, Connecticut, Hartford, West Avon Town, West Avon Road 281
Nick Petersen, head, 48, gift, alder ved vielse: 28, Denmark, proprietor farm
Gertrude, wife, 39, gift, alder ved vielse: 19, Connecticut
Janet E., 12, Connecticut
Gertrude N., 10, Connecticut
Donald A., 8, Connecticut

FT 1950: USA, Connecticut, Hartford, Avon, West Avon Road 376
Nick Petersen, head, 54, Denmark, manager at Convalescent Home
Gertrude Petersen, wife, 48, Connecticut
Donald, son, 17, Connecticut
Gertrude, daughter, 20, Connecticut

Nicolaj Petersen, husband of Mrs. Gertrude Christensen Petersen of West Avon, died Thursday at his home after a long illness. Besides his wife he leaves two daughters, Mrs. Norman St. Peter of Avon; Mrs. Graham Tyrol of South Glastonbury; two sons, Harry Petersen (den adopterede søn) of East Granby; Donald Petersen of Avon; a sister, Mrs. Fred Christensen of Bloomfield; a brother, Peter M. Petersen of Hartford; two brothers and a sister in Denmark; four grandchildren. The funeral will be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. at the Charles H. Vincent and Sons Funeral Home, Simsbury. Burial will be at West Avon Cemetery.
- Hartford Courant, Fri., 10 Apr 1953 (newspapers.com)

Hustrus nekrolog:
BARNES. Gertrude P. (Christen
sen) Barnes, 90, of Country Club Road, Avon, wife of Weston L. Barnes and the late Nicholay Petersen, died Saturday (June 8, 1991) at her daughter's home in Avon. She was born March 6, 1901 in Somers and had lived in Hartford and West Hartford prior to moving to Avon more than 60 years ago. Mrs. Barnes was a licensed practical nurse and had owned and operated West Avon Convalescent Home from 1938 to 1956. She was a member of the West Avon Congregational Church, Adah Chapter No. 30, Order of Eastern Star, Unionville, a member for over 70 years and past president of Rihed Lodge No. 153 Danish Sisterhood of Hartford and the Avon Senior Citizens. Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, Donald Petersen of Unionville, Weston S. Barnes of Bristol; three daughters, Mrs. Norman (Jeanette) St. Peter of Avon, Mrs. Graham (Gertrude) Tyrol of Glastonbury, Mrs. Robert (Lillian) Sperry of Farmington; a daughter-in-law, Eleanor Petersen of East Granby; 15 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. She was pre-deceased by a son, Harry Petersen. Funeral service will be Tuesday, 2 p.m., at the West Avon Congregational Church, 280 Country Club Road, Avon with the Rev. Donald H. Ketcham officiating. Burial will be in West Avon Cemtery. Friends may call at the Vincent Funeral Home, 120 Albany Turnpike, Canton, today, 7-9 p.m., with an Eastern Star service.
- Hartford Courant, Mon., 10 Jun 1991 (newspapers.com)


punkttegn  Begivenheder

• Konfirmation, 22. Apr. 1906, Thisted Landsogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt.


Nikolaj blev gift med Gertrude Christensen den 7. Jul. 1920 i Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. (Gertrude Christensen blev født den 6. Mar. 1901 i Somers, Tolland, Connecticut, USA og døde den 8. Jun. 1991 i Avon, Hartford, Connecticut, USA.)

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