Ane Bang Olesen
- Født: 20. Aug. 1855, Sjørring Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt
- Ægteskab (1): Jens Bredal Jensen den 19. Mar. 1875 i Sjørring Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt
- Ægteskab (2): Thomas Jensen den 3. Nov. 1927 i Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska, USA
- Død: 1. Jan. 1937, Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska, USA i en alder af 81 år
FT 1860: Thisted, Hundborg, Sjørring, Sperring By - hos forældrene FT 1870: Thisted, Hundborg, Sjørring, Sperring - hos forældrene
Til USA i 1876 Navn:Bredal, Ane BaagStilling:Hustru Alder:20Bestemmelsessted:Aurora, Ill. Kontrakt nr.:95800Forevisningsdato:5/25/1876 Sidste oph.sogn:HundborgSidste oph. amt:Thisted Sidste oph.sted:Hunborg, Thisted A.Bestemmelses land:USA Bestemmelses by:AuroraBestemmelses stat:Illinois Skibsnavn:Indirekte Navn:Bredal, Jens JensenStilling:Arbejder Alder:31Bestemmelsessted:Aurora, Ill. Kontrakt nr.:95800Forevisningsdato:5/25/1876 Sidste oph.sogn:HundborgSidste oph. amt:Thisted Sidste oph.sted:Hunborg, Thisted A.Bestemmelses land:USA Bestemmelses by:AuroraBestemmelses stat:Illinois Skibsnavn:Indirekte Navn:Bredal, AneStilling:Barn Alder:00 3/4Bestemmelsessted:Aurora, Ill. Kontrakt nr.:95800Forevisningsdato:5/25/1876 Sidste oph.sogn:HundborgSidste oph. amt:Thisted Sidste oph.sted:Hunborg, Thisted A.Bestemmelses land:USA Bestemmelses by:AuroraBestemmelses stat:Illinois Skibsnavn:Indirekte
FT 1880: Plano, Kendall, Illinois, United States John Johnson 28 husband, Denmark, laborer Anna Johnson 25 wife Denmark, housekeeper Anna Johnson Daughter F 5 Illinois, United States Trina Johnson Daughter F 3 Illinois, United States Helbert Johnson Son M 2 Illinois, United States
FT 1885: Lincoln, Kearney, Nebraska, United States Jala B Johnsen Husband M 34 farmer Anna Johnson wife F 29 keeping home Slina Johnsen Daughter F 9 Trena Johnsen Daughter F 7 Albert W Johnsen Son M 5 Lena Johnsen Daughter F 5 Vena Johnsen Daughter F 2
FT 1900: Cosmo Township, Kearney, Nebraska, United States J. B. Johnson Head 49 (nov. 51), farmer (7 levende, 1 dødt barn) Anna Johnson wife 45 (aug. 55) Sena Johnson Daughter F 20 Illinois (jan. 1880) Emma Johnson Daughter F 12 Nebraska (aug 1888) Irnest Johnson Son M 10 Nebraska (feb 1890) Fred Johnson Son M 8 Nebraska (jul. 1892)
FT 1910: Lincoln, Kearney, Nebraska, United States J.B. Johnson head 57 farmer, general farm (6 levende, 2 dødt barn) Anna B. Johnson wife 54 Ernst R Johnson Son M 20 Nebraska Fred C Johnson Son M 17 Nebraska
FT 1920: Lincoln, Kearney, Nebraska, United States Robert Mars, Head, M, 35, Illinois, agent, medicine Emma Mars, Wife, F, 31, Nebraska Grace Mars, Sister, F, 39, Illinois Stella Flisher, Sister, M, 36, Illinois Anna C Johnson, mother-in-law, F, 61, widow, Denmark Verel Mars, Daughter, F, 9, Nebraska Eugene Mars, Son, M, 6, Nebraska
Nekrolog efter manden: John B. Johnson, who died on the 2nd day of May, 1912, (May 1, on Tombstone) after a few days illness, was born in Hundborg, Denmark, November 7,1851. He was at his death 60 years, five months, and 25 days old. He was united in marriage the 12th of March, 1874. He emigrated with his family to this country in 1877. His wife and six children live to mourn the death of a dear husband and a devoted father. The children are Mrs. John Borgaard, Mrs. Lew Johnson, Albert, Ernest, and Said(Sena?s?)Johnson,and Mrs. Robert Mais. Two children had gone before. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J. Chr. Jensen, at the home two miles northeast of Minden. Services were also held at the East Mission-house, where the remains were laid to rest in the East Mission-house cemetery. He was a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and attended the Danish Mission Church of Minden. The name in Denmark was Bredahl; it was changed to Johnson after they arrived in Illinois.
FT 1930: Minden, Kearney, Nebraska, USA OverhovedThomas Johnson81 KoneAnna Johnson73
Nekrolog: Courier 1-7-1937 A PIONEER SETTLER IS CALLED BY DEATH Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Nichol Funeral Chapel and the Methodist church for Mrs. Thomas Johnson, pioneer settler of Kearney County, The Rev. B. Errol Parish, pastor of the Christian church having charge of the services and Rev. A.W. Lapthorne, pastor of the Methodist church, assisting. Burial was in the East Mission cemetery. The song service was sung by Mesdames Della Borgaard, Edith Meredith, Margaret Clearman, Mabel Turner, and Ann Etzelmiller at the piano. Anna Olesen Johnson, wife of Thomas Johnson, was born at Spering, Denmark, August 22, 1855, and passed away at her home in Minden, Nebraska January 1, 1937, at the age of 81 years, 4months, and 9 days. She lived at Spering, Denmark until she was 19 years old when she married John B. Johnson. In Denmark there was born to this union Mrs. John C. Borgaard, of Minden. In 1876 she came to America with her husband and daughter, settling at Plano, Illinois. In 1883 she moved with her family to Nebraska settling in Kearney County in Lincoln township. In 1889, the family moved east of Minden where Mr. John B. Johnson passed away on May 2, 1912. To this union were born in America, Albert C. Johnson of Kearney County, Minnie Johnson, of Minden, Emma Mars, of Minden, Ernest M. Johnson, of Kearney County, and Fred C. Johnson, of Kearney County. Two Daughters preceded her in Death, Trena, who passed away at the age of 18 years, in the spring of 1895 and Mrs. L. C. Christensen on March 16, 1903. On November 3, 1927, she was married to Mr. Thomas Johnson here at Minden being in the same home until the time of her passing. Mrs. Johnson leaves behind 22 grandchildren, 4 great-grand children, 2 brothers, and one sister in Denmark, one sister-in-law in California, Mrs. Nels Olsen. Mrs. Johnson was immersed in 1890. Her life was one of constant consecration. Near the end she expressed the wish to go home saying this, "That's the best of All".
• Konfirmation, 3. Okt. 1869, Sjørring Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt.
Ane blev gift med Jens Bredal Jensen, søn af Jens Christian Bredal Christensen og Ane Kirstine Christensdatter, den 19. Mar. 1875 i Sjørring Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt. (Jens Bredal Jensen blev født den 6. Nov. 1851 i Hundborg Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt og døde den 1. Maj 1912 i Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska, USA.)
Han: Ungkarl Hun: Pige
Ane blev derefter gift med Thomas Jensen, søn af Jens Christian Poulsen og Maren Andersdatter, den 3. Nov. 1927 i Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska, USA. (Thomas Jensen blev født den 14. Dec. 1848 i Sjørring Sogn, Hundborg Herred, Thisted Amt og døde den 30. Okt. 1945 i Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska, USA.)