Inger Marie Thomsen
- Født: 9. Okt. 1868, Østerild Sogn, Hillerslev Herred, Thisted Amt
- Ægteskab (1): Francis Edwin Thompson den 3. Nov. 1887 i Rockville, Sherman, Nebraska, USA
- Død: 26. Mar. 1943, , Sherman, Nebraska, USA i en alder af 74 år
FT 1870: Thisted, Hillerslev, Østerild, Hoxer - hos forældrene FT 1880: Thisted, Hassing, Hørsted, Hørsted By - hos forældrene
til USA i 1882 Navn:Thomsen, IngerStilling:Barn Alder:10Bestemmelsessted:Chicago Kontrakt nr.:506500Forevisningsdato:6/10/1882 Sidste oph.sogn:HørstedSidste oph. amt:Thisted Sidste oph.sted:Horsted, Thisted A.Bestemmelses land:USA Bestemmelses by:ChicagoBestemmelses stat:Illinois Skibsnavn:Indirekte
FT 1900: Rockville Township Rockville town, Sherman, Nebraska, United States Frank E. Thomson, Head, M. 34, Wisconsin, farm Mary Thomson, Wife, F, 30, Denmark
FT 1910: Rockville, Sherman, Nebraska, United States Frantz E. Thompson, head, 45, gift i 23 år, Wisconsin, farmer, general farm Mary J. Thompson, wife, 41, Denmark
FT 1920: Rockville Township, Sherman, Nebraska, USA OverhovedFrank E Thompson55, Wisconsin, teamster, an triar (?) KoneMaria Thompson51, Denmark (sted?)DatterMarry Thompson9, Nebraska
FT 1930: Wells Precinct, Cherry, Nebraska, USA OverhovedFrank E Thompson65, Wisconsin, farmer KoneMary Thompson61, Denmark
FT 1940: Loup City Township, Sherman, Nebraska, United States Andres Thomsen, M, 69, head, Denmark, farm, agriculture Ella Thomsen, F, 66, wife, Indiana Alma Heil, F, 39, daughter, Nebraska, senog...., WPA Leona Heil, F, 15, grand-daughter, Nebraska Arlie Heil, F, 12, grand-daughter, Nebraska Mary E. Thompson, F, 72, widowed, sister, Denmark Edison Chapman, M, 55, lodger, Illinois, laborer, farm
Nekrolog efter manden: The Sherman County Times - Feb 12 1937 THOMPSON RITES AT ROCKVILLE Francis Edwin Thompson was born at Madison, Wisconsin, Oct. 6 and came to Nebraska with his parents in 1873. He was united in marriage to Mary Thomsen Nov. 3, 1887. They made their home in the vicinity of Rockville until 1910 when they moved to Mullen, Nebr., where he spent the remainder of his life. About ten days ago he came to Loup City for medical treatment, and passed away Feb. 7, 1937, at about 7:30 a. m., aged 72 years, 3 months 12 days. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife and four brothers, Elmer and Ed of Omaha, Willard of Loup City, and Lincoln of Kirksville, Mo., besides other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the home of Andrew Thomsen near Loup City and at the Evangelical and Reformed Community church at Rockville at 2:00 o'clock. Interment was made in the Soulville [sic] cemetery.
Inger blev gift med Francis Edwin Thompson den 3. Nov. 1887 i Rockville, Sherman, Nebraska, USA. (Francis Edwin Thompson blev født den 6. Okt. 1864 i Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, USA og døde den 7. Feb. 1937 i Rockville, Sherman, Nebraska, USA.)