Pietro II Orselo



1. Maria Candiano

Pietro II Orselo

  • Født: 961, Venice, , Veneto, Italy
  • Ægteskab (1): Maria Candiano
  • Død: 1009, Venice, , Veneto, Italy i en alder af 48 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Pietro II Orseolo (died 1009) was the Doge of Venice from 991 to 1009.

He began the period of eastern expansion of Venice that lasted for the better part of 500 years. He secured his influence in the Dalmatian Romanized settlements from the Croats and Narentines, freed Venetia from a 50-year-old taxation to the latter, and started Venetia's expansions by conquering the islands of Lastovo (Lagosta) and Korcula (Curzola) and acquiring Dubrovnik (Ragusa).


Pietro blev gift med Maria Candiano, datter af Vitale Candiano og N. N.

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