Olga of Kiev
(Omkr 0890-0969)



1. Igor of Kiev

Olga of Kiev

  • Født: Omkr 890, Pskov, , Pskovskaya Oblast', Russia
  • Ægteskab (1): Igor of Kiev
  • Død: 11 Jul. 969, Kiev, Ukraine i en alder af ca. 79 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Saint Olga (born c. 890 died 11 July 969, Kiev) was a ruler of Kievan Rus' as regent (945-c. 963) for her son, Svyatoslav. She is known for her obliteration of the Drevlians, a tribe that had killed her husband Igor of Kiev, and for her efforts to spread Christianity through the Rus'; however, it would be Vladimir that would convert the entire nation to Christianity. Because of this, Olga is venerated as a saint. While her birthdate is unknown, it could be as early as AD 890 and as late as 5 June 925


Olga blev gift med Igor of Kiev, søn af Rurik og N. N.

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