(Omkr 0870-0900) |
Zwentibold (Zventibold, Swentiboldo, Sventibaldo, Sanderbald; c.870 - 13 August 900), a member of the Carolingian dynasty, was the illegitimate son of Emperor Arnulf. In 895, his father, then king of East Francia, granted him the Kingdom of Lotharingia, which he ruled until his death. After his death he was declared a saint and martyr by the Catholic Church. ![]() Zwentibold blev gift med Oda|Uota von Sachsen, datter af Otto (the Illustrious/der Erlauchte) Herzog von Sachsen og Haduwig|Hedwig von Babenberg, i 897. (Oda|Uota von Sachsen blev født omkring 880 og døde efter 2 Jul. 952.) |
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