pil pil pil pil
Henri de Bourgogne Count of Portugal
(Omkr 1066-1112)
Teresa of Castile and León
Amadeus III de Savoie Comte
Mathilde d'Albon Dauphine de Viennois
(ansl 1100-1145)
Don Afonso I (o Conquistador) de Bourgogne King of Portugal
Matilde de Savoie
(Omkr 1125-1157)




  • Født: 5 Mar. 1147
  • Død: 1155 i en alder af 8 år

punkttegn  Notater:

named after his paternal grandfather, Henry, Count of Portugal, he died when he was only eight years old. Despite being just a child he represented his father at a council in Toledo at the age of three;

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