pil pil
Boleslaw III Krzywousty King of Poland
Salome von Berg-Schelklingen
(Før 1101-1144)
Magnus (den Stærke) King of Västergötland
Richiza of Poland
(1116-Efter 1155)




  • Født: 1129
  • Død: 9 Aug. 1157, Roskilde i en alder af 28 år

punkttegn  Notater:

Canute V Magnussen (Danish: Knud V Magnussen) (c.?1129-'96 9 August 1157) was a King of Denmark from 1146 to 1157, as co-regent in shifting alliances with his Sweyn III and Valdemar I. Canute was killed at the so-called Bloodfeast of Roskilde in 1157. Nothing certain is known about his person and character.

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