Charibert nobleman in Neustria
Chrodobertus (Robert) nobleman in Neustria
Lambert (I) (Lantbertus) King of Neustria
(-Efter 0650)



1. Chrotlind

Lambert (I) (Lantbertus) King of Neustria 186,189

  • Ægteskab (1): Chrotlind
  • Død: Efter 650

punkttegn  Notater:

Referendarius to Dagobert I, Lived In France, Mentioned 8. April 630

Lambert (d. after 650), was a Neustrian nobleman who was son of Robert I, Bishop of Tours. Lambert is identified as a noblilis in Neustria, son of Chrodbert I and father of Chrodbert II in Europäische Stammtafeln, and as such, is a direct ancestor of the Robertians. Brother to Angadrisma, he is sometimes confused with their cousin and her mentor Lambert.

The name of Lambert's wife may have been Chrotlind of unknown parentage.


Lambert blev gift med Chrotlind.

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