John/Ioannes Komnenos patrikios
(Omkr 1015-1067) |
John/Ioannes Komnenos patrikios 1154
John Komnenos (ca. 1015 - 12 July 1067) was a Byzantine aristocrat and military leader. The younger brother of Emperor Isaac I Komnenos, he served as Domestic of the Schools during Isaac's brief reign (1057-59). When Isaac I abdicated, Constantine X Doukas became emperor and John withdrew from public life until his death in 1067. Through his son Alexios I Komnenos, who became emperor in 1081, he was the progenitor of the Komnenian dynasty that ruled the Byzantine Empire from 1081 until 1185, and the Empire of Trebizond from 1204 until 1461. ![]() John/Ioannes blev gift med Anna Dalassene Regent of Byzantium, datter af Alexios Charon Prefect of Italy og N.N. Dalassene, omkring 1044. (Anna Dalassene Regent of Byzantium blev født omkring 1025 og døde omkring 1101.) |
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