Bruno I Graf of Brunswick
(Omkr 0975-Omkr 1016) |
Bruno I Graf of Brunswick 488
Brun (Latin Bruno; born around 975, died around 1010), was Count in the Derlingau, the Nordthüringgau, the Hastfalagau, the Salzgau, the Gau Gretinge, and the Gau Mulbeze, with Brunswick as his residence. Brun was a member of the Brunones dynasty. ![]() Bruno blev gift med Gisela von Schwaben, datter af Hermann II Herzog von Schwaben og Gerberge de Bourgogne, omkring 1002. (Gisela von Schwaben blev født den 11 Nov. 990 og døde den 14 Feb. 1043 i Goslar, , Niedersachsen, Germany.) |
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